Herstoric photographic series,
Since childhood, I have been surrounded by girls and women, of different nationalities or origins from countries all over the world.
However, in the archives, documentaries which relate the history of immigration in France, I note that few women are represented.
Too few photos, videos of those who have left their country. Yet they are the ones who transmit their stories and their cultures to their children.
Cinema, like photography, offers us too few representations of those who grew up in a dual culture, between that of the republic and that transmitted within the home.
I have been working for several years to put into perspective the invisible parts of our society, particularly women, in order to offer new generations new authentic models and to leave images of our existences in history.
Thus, my photographic series Herstoric puts into perspective women from the diasporas present in France
Meryem Idrissi Amrani,
October 2021

Mylène and Crylene Casimir,
September 2021

Josée Moudilou,
June 2021